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Pattern Library: Colors, Fonts, & Text Elements


The main colors on these pages are black, white, and gray, with a couple shades of purple and brown matching the school logo.



The body of each page is white (#FFF), and the main body text color is #444. H1 headings, h2 headings, and links are all #43125F. The shades of grey are mostly used as backgrounds in tables or blockquotes, etc. All of the colors above will be repeated throughout this pattern library.


The pages use the following font families: Gotham, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif

h1 heading

h2 heading

h3 heading

h4 heading


This is the body's font, which inherits to many other elements like tables, blockquotes, lists, etc.


The fonts, sizes, headings, links, and body are used for almost all of the content on these web pages.


            <h1 class="butlerWebDev__h1">
                h1 heading
            <h2 class="butlerWebDev__h2">
                h2 heading
            <h3 class="butlerWebDev__h3">
                h3 heading
            <h4 class="butlerWebDev__h4">
                h4 heading
            <a href=" # " class="butlerWebDev__link">
            <body class="butlerWebDev__body">
                This is the body's font...

Notes Div

This element is a simple <div> with an identifying class, and a paragraph inside. It is styled with a gray background and a black border.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.


This element is used to emphasize important text-based information, usually within a set of instructions.


            <div class="butlerWebDev__notes">
                Lorem ipsum...

Code Block

These blocks are a simple <figure> containing the following: a <pre> with various coding, and a descriptive <figcaption>.

        /*  apply class to  parent element to self-clear its floated children */
        .group:after {
          content: ""; 
          display: table; 
          clear: both; 
CSS rule to force parent element to self-clear its floated children


These blocks are used to show examples of html, css, or other types of coding. The <figcaption> provides a quick reference/description of what the code does.


            <figure class="butlerWebDev__codeFig">
                <pre class="butlerWebDev__code">
                    example code here
                <figcaption class="butlerWebDev__codeFigCap">
                    Caption describing the code above

Unordered List

Though there are no specific style rules for unordered lists, they are included in this pattern library to document updated BEM classes.

  • a list item
  • another list item
  • an additional list item


Unordered lists are used as part of multiple tutorials throughout the site. They are also used to organize links to all the various pages on the Web Developer Tutorials and Resources homepage.


            <ul class="butlerWebDev__ul">
                <li> content here </li>

Ordered List

Again, there are no specific style rules for ordered lists. They are included in this pattern library to document updated BEM classes.

  1. a numbered list item
  2. another numbered list item
  3. a third numbered list item


Ordered lists are used as part of multiple tutorials throughout the site.


            <ol class="butlerWebDev__ol">
                <li> content here </li>

Description List

Defined lists have specific style rules to make each <dt> bold, and also add margin space under each <dd>. Again, the html tags have been updated with BEM classes for organizational purposes.

Definition of the above term
Another Term
Definition of the above term


Description lists are used as part of multiple tutorials and/or educational resources throughout the site.


            <dl class="butlerWebDev__dl">
                <dt class="butlerWebDev__dt"> term here </dt>
                <dd class="butlerWebDev__dd"> definition here </dd>
                <dt class="butlerWebDev__dt"> term here </dt>
                <dd class="butlerWebDev__dd"> definition here </dd>


Each <article> contains its own <header> and <footer>. The content of any article could include headings, lists, paragraphs, images, etc. The article's header and footer also use <i> elements with special classes to display icons like calendars and tags from Font-Awesome.


These articles are used to contain the information on each page linked from the Web Developer Tutorials and Resources page.


To use icons from Font-Awesome, place the following tag in the <head> of each page.

            < link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css" >

The following code is for the articles themselves.

            <article class="butlerWebDev__article">
                <header class="butlerWebDev__artHeader">
                    <h2 class="butlerWebDev__h2">Article Title</h2>
                    By B Lingafelter
                        <i class="butlerWebDev__fa fa fa-calendar"></i>
                        <time datetime="2020-08-05">Updated Aug 5, 2020</time>
                        <i class="butlerWebDev__fa fa fa-tag"></i>
                    testserver, workflow
                    <h3 class="butlerWebDev__h3">Article Content</h3>
                    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
                <footer class="butlerWebDev__artFooter">
                    <div class="butlerWebDev__artFooterDisclaimers clearfix"> 
                            Disclaimers: <a href="https://www.butlercc.edu/">Butler Community College</a> is an “Equal Opportunity Employer/Program” and “Auxiliary  Aids and Services are available upon request.”
                            <a rel="license" href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/">
                                    alt="Creative Commons License" 
                            This work is licensed under a
                            <a rel="license" href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/">
                                Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License